What is a Mini-Split?

Learn All About Mini-Split Systems from Mr. Mini Split

As summer temperatures start to rise, it's important to ensure your home stays cool and comfortable. One option to consider is a mini-split air conditioning system, also known as ductless units. Read on to learn all about mini-splits from Mr. Mini Split and the benefits they offer.

What is a Mini-Split?

Mini-splits are a great alternative to traditional central air conditioning systems, as they do not require additional ductwork to operate. These systems consist of two main components: an indoor unit and an outdoor unit. The two units are connected by a conduit that contains a power cable, refrigerant lines, and a condensate drain. With their ability to cool individual rooms or areas, mini-splits are a great option for those looking to increase their comfort without the need for a full central air conditioning system.

Benefits of Having a Mini-Split System

One of the main benefits of having a mini-split system is its energy efficiency. Traditional central air conditioning systems lose up to 30% of their energy through ductwork, while mini-splits do not experience this energy loss. Additionally, with a mini-split system, you have greater control over the temperature in each room, which can help lower your energy bills.

Mini-splits are also easier to install than central air conditioning systems, and they offer greater flexibility. They can be installed in almost any room, regardless of whether or not there's existing ductwork. Finally, mini-split systems are usually quieter than traditional AC units and offer improved air quality since they don't push air through dirty ductwork. Contact us today to learn more about our mini-split systems!

Why Choose Mr. Mini Split?

When you choose Mr. Mini Split for your mini-split needs in Oklahoma and Arkansas, you can expect:

  • High-quality products

  • Excellent customer service

  • Affordable prices

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Mr Mini Split is here to provide you with the most reliable air conditioning, heating, and ventilation services.

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Mr Mini Split offers a wide selection of high-quality air conditioners that are perfect for any size room.

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Mr Mini Split is a revolutionary air conditioner that is changing the way we cool our homes.