Texas Mini Splits

Texas Mini Splits

The Perfect Cooling Solution for Every Texan


Experience relief from the sweltering heat and unpredictable weather patterns of the Lone Star State with Mr. Mini Split, your trusted supplier of mini split AC units in Texas! Don't let the scorching temperatures catch you off guard — our ductless mini splits have got you covered. Say goodbye to sweaty discomfort and hello to personalized comfort and energy savings for your home or business.


Customizable Cooling

With our mini split AC units, you can say goodbye to the one-size-fits-all approach. Each indoor air handling unit is independently controlled, allowing you to set different temperatures for individual rooms or zones. This means that everyone in your home or office can enjoy a comfortable climate tailored to their preferences.


Energy Efficiency

Traditional HVAC systems can result in energy losses through ductwork. Our mini split AC units eliminate this problem by operating without the need for ducts. This not only prevents energy waste but also reduces the risk of air leaks, improving overall efficiency and saving you money on your energy bills.

Compact and Versatile

One of the key advantages of mini splits is their space-saving design. The indoor air handling units are sleek and compact, easily blending into any environment without causing disruption to your interior aesthetics. Additionally, their versatility allows for installation in various settings, from small apartments to large commercial buildings.


Reliable Heating Solution

While Texas may be known for its scorching summers, winters can also bring chilly temperatures. Fortunately, our mini split AC units double as efficient heaters during the colder months. With their heat pump technology, you can enjoy reliable and cost-effective heating year-round, ensuring your comfort no matter the season.

Upgrade your cooling experience with Mr. Mini Split — based in Oklahoma City, we’re a leading mini split supplier in Texas. Our efficient and customizable mini split AC units offer unparalleled comfort, energy savings, and versatility. Whether you're in Houston, Austin, Dallas, or San Antonio, we have the perfect mini split solution for your home or business. Contact us today to learn more and start enjoying the benefits of ductless mini splits in Texas.

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